8/27/05 |
The News Page is now in blog form, so that you can set up an RSS feed, should you so desire. |
7/28/05 |
Just got the call for another KUVO fill-in: Please join me: Sunday, August 7 As always, KUVO, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, and now at 94.1 in Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online to that new fast stream at http://www.kuvo.org. |
7/5/05 |
Just got the call for another KUVO fill-in: Please join me: Monday, July 11 KUVO was just named Major Market Station of the Year by JazzWeek. Tres cool! As always, KUVO, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, and now at 94.1 in Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online to that new fast stream at http://www.kuvo.org. |
6/18/05 |
Holy guacamole! My next show will be my 800th volunteer radio show! Even though that's over the course of 18 years, I'm still very proud of the accomplishment. Please join me: Thursday June
30 KUVO has a new high-speed stream encoded with MP3Pro. You can enjoy even better audiophile quality by using an MP3Pro-compatible player. As always, KUVO, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, and now at 94.1 in Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online to that new fast stream at http://www.kuvo.org. |
5/24/05 |
I've been asked to cover the mid-morning show this Friday and Monday, Memorial Day. Doing a day shift is kind of a big deal for me, and I get to do two. Friday May 27 and Monday May
30 As always, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, and now at 94.1 in Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online at http://www.kuvo.org. |
5/21/05 |
I'll be filling in on Brazilian Fantasy tomorrow night. It should be an adventure, since I know almost nothing about Brazilian jazz. But, I'm always open to adventure and learning, especially when it comes to radio and music, so I sally forth. Sunday, May 22 As always, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, and now at 94.1 in Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online at http://www.kuvo.org. |
4/1/05 |
Another last-minute fill-in tonight. No foolin'! Friday, April 1 As always, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, 104.9 Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online at http://www.kuvo.org. |
3/17/05 |
A little more advanced notice for a change: Monday,
March 28 As always, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, 104.9 Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online at http://www.kuvo.org. |
2/12/05 |
I just got the call for a last-minute fill-in today. I'll drop everything to do air! Noon - 3 pm, Mountain As always, 89.3 FM Denver, 89.7 Breckenridge, 104.9 Laramie, Wyoming, or listen online at http://www.kuvo.org. |
2/9/05 |
I'll be doing the jazz thang
on KUVO again tonight:
1/14/05 |
For the better part of the
last eight years, I've rolled over bright and early nearly every Saturday
morning, flicked on the wireless speaker, and listened to my pal Alex
do "Coffee 'n' Smokes" on WMFO.I've had the luxury of listening
to his show while I was still in bed, sometimes dozing back off, while
Alex got up at 4am on Saturday mornings(!) to schlep in and do air. |
12/27/04 |
I switched Web site hosts this afternoon, and a lot of things aren't working at the moment, including my email. I'm busily tweaking, and I should have things back to near-normal soon. If you come across something that doesn't work, please let me know (assuming my email and/or the Contact page is working...) |
12/14/04 |
Got a couple of air gigs over the holidays: Rockin' 'n' Rhythm Sunday, December 26
12/2/04 |
I'll be doin' the late shift tomorrow night: Friday, December 3 A good shift to do, because
I can stretch the limits a bit and play more "out there" stuff
than on other shifts. |
11/5/04 |
Got a call early this morning to fill in tomorrow: Saturday,
November 6
10/29/04 |
After a 2+ month hiatus, I'll be filling in on the Rockin' 'n' Rhythm show on KUVO tonight. I got to do this show last Spring, and I had a blast. It's jazz, blues, and rhythm 'n' blues, so I get a chance to stretch out a bit. Friday, October 29
8/13/04 |
When I went in to do my show last night, I was asked if I could cover the same slot on Monday. After sleeping on it, I said yes. So, in addition to tomorrow (see below), I'll be on Monday, too. Monday,
August 16
8/5/04 |
In addition to the Saturday, 8/14 show, I'll also be on KUVO on Thursday, August 12: Thursday,
August 12
8/4/04 |
I'm becoming the regular irregular Saturday fill in on KUVO: Saturday, August 14
7/14/04 |
Another Saturday fill in on KUVO: Saturday, July 24
7/2/04 |
Just got the call to fill in on KUVO again: Saturday, July 10
6/23/04 |
In addition to being on KUVO this Saturday afternoon (6/26 - see below), I'll also be on Monday evening: Monday, June 28 89.3 FM over the airwaves, or listen online at http://www.kuvo.org. You can also view my play lists in real-time on the KUVO site. I'll get them up on this site one of these days... |
6/8/04 |
A last minute, quickie on KUVO tomorrow: Wednesday, June 9 The two Saturday shows in June (listed below) are still a go. 89.3 FM over the airwaves, or listen online at http://www.kuvo.org. You can also view my play lists in real-time on the KUVO site. |
5/28/04 |
Just got the call to fill in on KUVO a few times: Saturday, May 29 Saturday, June 12 Saturday, June 26 |
5/21/04 |
I'll be doin' the jazz thang
again tomorrow afternoon -- filling in on KUVO. |
3/30/04 |
Another fill-in on KUVO tonight, 7-10pm MT. You can listen over the air in the Denver area at 89.3, or over the Web at http://www.kuvo.org I It's been over 6 weeks, so forgive me if I'm a bit rusty. |
2/28/04 | I've
got about 40 archived "On The Town with Mikey Dee" live performances
archived and available for streaming
on this site, and about 10-15 more in the can that I'd like to put up. Unfortunately,
my benefactor, who has generously been hosting the files for free, can no
longer do that. I'd love to keep the streams available. Each show is roughly 10MB, so I'm looking for about 400-600MB of Web space where I can park them. If you have server space, or know where I can get it (for free, please), I'd love to hear about it. They don't all have to be on the same server (although it certainly makes a webmaster's life easier), so even 10MB here and there is a start. Please let me know if you might be able to help the cause. |
2/12/04 |
Another fill-in on KUVO again tomorrow night, Friday 2/13, 9pm - Midnight MT. You can listen over the air in the Denver area at 89.3, or over the Web at http://www.kuvo.org I will also be on Monday, 2/16, from noon - 1pm. |
2/5/04 |
I'll be on KUVO again tomorrow night, 9pm - Midnight MT. You can listen over the air in the Denver area at 89.3, or over the Web at http://www.kuvo.org |
1/5/04 |
I'll be on KUVO again tomorrow night, 7-10pm MT. The first show 2 weeks ago went pretty well. I was a bit shaky on the mic, but the more air I do there, the more comfortable I'll be. You can listen over the air in the Denver area at 89.3, or over the Web at http://www.kuvo.org |
12/20/03 |
I'm happy to report that I've accomplished one of the goals I set for my big move to Denver: I've managed to wiggle my way onto the sub list at a very cool, non-commercial community jazz station. I do my first fill-in show there tomorow night. The Particulars:
Of course, the streamed signal
is available on the Web site. |
12/7/03 |
I'm "training" at one Denver station, and talking to another, both in an effort to get on their sub lists. Both are specialized and very cool stations. Watch this space for more info as things develop. It looks like I'll be back on the air (and streaming on the Internet) soon. Good thing, because it's in my blood, and I miss doing radio. |
9/6/03 |
I had a great trip out to Denver. Now, I'm trying to get a job, as well as all of the other stuff that goes along with moving cross-country. I have an address, in case you want to send me something. I'd still love to get your CDs. Drugless Douglas |
8/21/03 |
That's All, Folks! I did my 769th and last regularly-scheduled show on WMFO last night. I was more emotional than I'd hoped to be, and I lost it on-mic a couple of times. It was pretty tough to get through, but but it was made easier by in-studio visits from longtime MOFO friends, and phone calls, instant messages and emails from djs, listeners and friends. I guess the reason it was tough to keep it together is that I'm choosing to walk away from something that I dearly love, something that means something to me, and something I've been doing for over 16 years. I suppose that entitles me to get choked up. It was a great run, and more fun than I'd ever imagined. Now doing air is in my blood, I'll be looking for other opportunities to do same. Watch this space for further developments. Thanks for listening. |
8/10/03 | My
Farewell Show at TT The Bear's Place
was a smash! All of the performers played amazing set, and we raised $800
for the Mikey Dee Musician's Benefit Trust. My gratitude goes out to all
who participated.
7/25/03 | The
preliminary roster for my Farewell Show at TT The Bear's Place, on Thursday
August 7th is posted here.
7/9/03 |
After 21 years in Boston, 16
of those on WMFO, I made the gut-wrenching decision last week to move
back to Denver, where I was born and raised. A variety of personal and
professional factors were involved in the decision, but the best way to
sum it up is that it's time to shake things up in my life.
7/6/03 |
Our dear friend and fellow MOFO DJ, Mikey Dee, finally succumbed to complications from his devastating brainstem strokes and died at 3:50am this morning. Details on arrangements will be posted here and on Mikey's site, http://www.mikeydee.com as they become available.
6/8/03 | I've
just added five new live "On The Town with Mikey Dee" performances
for your streaming pleasure. Check out Die Electric, Well, The Real Kids,
The Dents and The Norways here. I've wrangled
some more web space, so look for more in the near future. |
5/17/03 |
Both "Old Fart At Play" and "On The Town with Mikey Dee" have been renewed for the Summer, and both will remain in their Wednesday night time slots. Yay! |
5/7/03 |
On May
7th, 1987, I slipped behind the microphone at WMFO for the first time
and fulfilled my dream-since-childhood of becoming a radio disc jockey.
Tonight, I'll celebrate 16 years on the air by hosting both "Old
Fart At Play" (7-9pm ET) and "On The Town with Mikey Dee"
(9pm - midnight ET). |
5/4/03 |
ALL extant playlists have now been entered! Just in time for the big 16th Anniversary Show, this Wednesday, May 7th. It'll be the usual fun faves for OFAP, then I'll also be hosting OTT, with Well playing live, and Helicopter Helicopter coming up to spin some tunes from their brand new CD and talk about their big upcoming tour. |
4/25/03 |
Playlists have now been entered back to January of 1989. Fewer than 70 to enter. I should be able to finish this gargantuan project next week! |
4/21/03 |
Old friend and former MOFOer Bazooka Joe returns from San Diego to fill in for me on OFAP this Wednesday, April 23. He'll also be doing air other times while he's in town, and he might even have a special interview guest on Wednesday. I'll be hosting "On The Town with Mikey Dee" on 4/23, so you can still get your DD fix, if'n you need one. |
4/9/03 |
I'm doing my 750th show at MOFO tonight -- kind of a milestone, I'd say. Keep an eye out for the big 16th Anniversary Show, coming up May 7th. |
2/18/03 |
I finally reconciled the playlist count discrepancy, and it's been corrected on the playlist list, as well as on the individual shows, #231-327. |
2/3/03 |
The Spring semester schedule was announced today, and I'm happy to report that "Old Fart At Play" has been restored to 2 hours, back in the 7-9pm Wednesday slot. More good news is that I'll once again be following my pal Paul Day and his show "Hbee Inc." He does swell freeform with uncanny humor and wit, so tune in early and catch his show, too. |
1/19/03 |
I was extremely saddened to learn of the death of "Old Sinc," a.k.a. Brian Sinclair, cohost of "Hillbilly at Harvard" on WHRB. Sinc brought real country music and a wry wit to the airwaves for 36 years. I've been a loyal listener for over 20 years. He will truly be missed. There will be a memorial service at Memorial Church in Harvard Yard at 3pm on Friday, January 24. |
1/12/03 |
I didn't win The Noise poll for Best DJ, but I had lots o' fun at the show. Results will be published in the February issue. Last year, results were ranked for the top five. Maybe they'll do that again this year, so now we can root for an improvement over last year's fifth-place finish. In any event, it truly is an honor to even be on the list. Thanks a bunch if you voted for me, and thanks to T Max for including me in the process! |
1/6/03 |
The Noise 2002 Readers Poll
is underway! The good news is that you don't have to read The Noise to
vote, you just have to be able to read. Vote online at http://thenoise-boston.com/polls/2002.asp
There are many talented and
deserving nominees on the ballot. Three categories are particularly near
'n' dear to my heart |
1/4/03 |
Playlists now go back to August 1990. I think I can, I think I can... |
1/2/03 |
Playlists now go back to April 1991. |
1/1/03 |
Happy Nude Year! I'll be doing OFAP for an extra (early) hour tonight - 7-9pm |
12/31/02 |
Playlists back to September 1991 have now been added. Sometimes having no life comes in really handy! |
12/30/02 |
Playlists back to January 1992 have now been added. The whole DD site, including playlists, is searchable. Simply click on the "Search" button in the bottom navigation bar on any of the major pages. |
12/20/02 |
My annual "Old Fart @ Xmas" show will happen this year on Christmas Day -- the first time I've done air on a 12/25. It's looking like you'll get 4 big hours of this extravaganza -- 5-9pm. I just added another 6 months of old playlists. Less than 300 more to go! |
12/15/02 |
druglessdouglas.com has been chosen as "Link of the Week" by my pals in Helicopter Helicopter. And Julie bought me a beer the other night, so I'm feeling the love! Congrats to them on signing to a new label. |
11/24/02 |
I've been asked to MC/CO-host Pig Pile Music's "Pile-Up 2002" on Thursday, December 19, at The Paradise. PP apparently thinks I'm a "kick-ass dj." Several other local luminaries of that ilk will be fulfilling the same role. Should be fun. |
11/1/02 |
Over the last few weeks, I've entered over four years of old playlists. You can now see (and search) them back to December 1993. The goal of getting them all up is in sight! While entering the lists, I've noticed some anomalies in my numbering system. On a hot summer day in June 1998, I sat out on the deck and wrote the show # on each list in my notebooks. I now realize that I wrote #327 twice, but it also looks like I skipped #231 (effectively cancelling out the #327 mistake!) I'm in the process of going all the way back to try to get it right. Several new "On The Town with Mikey Dee" performances have been added. There are now 38 amazing sets available for your streaming pleasure. |
9/29/02 |
OFAP Cut in half! OUCH! Feel free to plead my cause restore the 7-8 hour of OFAP to the Program Director. Positive feedback is usually more effective than threats. |
9/23/02 |
8 new "On The Town with Mikey Dee" live performances were added for on-demand streaming! Let me know what you think. |
9/3/02 |
"On The Town with Mikey Dee" live performances are now available for on-demand streaming! Listen any time, anywhere you've got a computer and a connection. Check back often -- more shows will follow. |
6/6/02 |
Okay, I'm officially back in the 7-9 Wednesday slot. Thanks for your support! (I may need it again in September...)
5/26/02 |
Well, the Summer schedule has been released, and I've been moved back to the 5-7pm Wednesday slot. I'm lobbying to stay in the 7-9 slot, and I've made a pretty good case for it. If you'd like to help sway the decision, an email to the Program Director might help out a lot. |
5/11/02 |
The Fab Drugless Douglas 15th Anniversary Party last night at TT's was a resounding success! PermaFrost pulled out all the stops and did one of the best shows I've ever seen them do (and this was my 57th time). The bevy of Dethmuffans was giddy! The Red Telephone, The Jupiter Project, and Speed Fossil also turned in fine sets, and all gained new fans. In addition, we raised a bunch of money for WMFO. My profuse thanks to all of the bands, to Randi and the rest of the crew at TT's, and to everyone who came out to help me celebrate.
5/2/02 |
The week of 5/6 is a big week for your ol' pal DD: Wednesday, May 8 will be my 15th Anniversary Show on WMFO. I'll be doing "Old Fart At Play" (7-9pm) AND "On The Town with Mikey Dee" (9pm-midnight) to celebrate. Speed Fossil will be my guests, and they'll play live from Studio Dee. On Friday, May 10, I'll be a guest on radioboston.com, where I'll sit in with Zsid on "The Zsid Experience" between 4-5pm. I'll be playing some cuts from live OTT appearances, and hyping my Anniversary Party. Saturday, May 11 is the big party and PermaFrost reunion (see below). I'm excited -- it should be fun!
4/3/02 |
The Drugless Douglas 15th Anniversary Party! Please come help me celebrate being a dj at WMFO for 15 years: Saturday, May 11th at TT the Bear's Place - Central Square, Cambridge PermaFrost (One-time reunion!) $10 - All proceeds go to support
3/17/02 | Pencil in Saturday
night, May 11th for the Drugless Douglas 15th Anniversary Party -- A benefit
show with all proceeds going to support WMFO. All of the details will be
announced on "Old Fart At Play" on April 3rd (my 700th show!),
and then posted here. Trust me, it should be a swell time! |
3/1/02 | Updated and added
lots o' links. |
2/10/02 | This site was launched
with little fanfare. Lots here, but lots more to come. Check back often.
Join the mailing list to get the big news delivered
to your mailbox. |
1/31/02 |
Drugless Douglas gets props
in The Noise
2001 HIP Poll! The results:
1/27/02 |
Fart At Play" moves back to the Wednesday, 7-9pm time slot, a
position it occupied from 9/96 - 5/97.
1/9/02 | Drugless Douglas announces his Top 10 local albums for 2001. |
©2024 Drugless Douglas